ok. people... i'm sorry i ever subscribed to this thread. it really was none of my business to; it just made me a little angry to see this kind of topic. so, i'll stay out, and try to bear it. sorry about that . otherwise, enjoy the attachments (i guess).
i agree, you christian? I am! and i'll keep yelling it out even if i got shot. you athiests (idk how to spell that, cause i dont care) should be ashamed. but, God forgives. thats the cool part about him. God takes you, and helps you. so yeah, idc if you make fun of me. i m christian.
ummm, not really. one: you have a good point about the gay 22" chrome wheels. two: soccer moms do drive SUVs. three: a jeep is great for the road. it has ok handling (not like a sports car), and there cheap. you can't go wrong with that. My bro got his Jeep for $600 (i dont know how many pounds or other European money currency that is). My friend got his Jeep for $600. and they last forever! my brothers Jeep has like 160K miles on it. i found one selling for $1500, and it had 180k miles on it. so, Jeeps are cheap, fun, and really good to upgrade.
actually, lets just all say LFS is the best. on LFS, i drifted the chicane at the end of the big straight (BTW, i still use version X), and i cought the tires, and rolled 3 times. so, LFS has the best physics, and i think they wil get better
so your planning on getting a Mazda? if your aren't, what kind of a car do you plan on buying? If it is actually possible, get yourself a Jeep! They have FOUR wheel drive (which means you can switch from two to four high, or four low), they aren't easy to roll, great for snow, and you can go(what we americans call it) mudding! Mudding is just playing around in mud with your SUV (make sure two people are along with SUVs); you can also go rock climbing! Make sure you have enough clearence though; plus Jeeps are one of the top SUV's for this stuff. They are also good for gas mileage (or kiloeage?). You can get lift kits, bull bars, lights, snorkels, and other stuff. like this pic right here http://img.alibaba.com/photo/1 ... __Wrangler_Customized.jpg . or here http://www.oramagazine.com/pas ... -issue/finesse/header.jpg . A jeep will be my first car. Oh Yeah! dont get the wranglers. their expensive! if you want something cheap, get the Cherokee
Special Stage Route 5 is like my calling track. I love those huge corners before and after the straight. Deep Forest if pretty cool, too. Trail Mountain is alright, and Grand Valley has been a joy. Otherwise, they didn't do a reall good job making the realistic tracks, except Circuit De La Sarthe (my favorite realistic track in the whole game).
to me, GT3 is their best effort yet. All the graphics looked better than GT4, and the driving physics were better than GT4. Hopefully, I get out of old school consoles soon, and get a PS3 (or XBOX 360).
i should have mulitquoted, but Prologue is the quarter, i guess you could say, version. The full is coming out later this month, or November. They are STILL updating right now, but they are almost done.
when you sneeze, your sneeze accelerate from 0-100 mph (0-160 kph) in just 2 seconds
most professional tennis ball players can hit the tennis ball faster than what most cars go. that is 150 mph+ (or 250 kph)
the fastest baseball ever pitched was recorded 100.2 mph
the collision of a baseball hitting the bat lasts 1/1000th of a second.
a professional batter hits a baseball at 6000-8000 pounds of pressure. this is enough to blow your torso and head off!
most people today think Christopher Columbus discovered America. he discovered Cuba.
English is one of the easiest languages to learn, and asian languages are some of the hardest to learn
if you travelled the whole equator, never travelling away from the equator, and stopped at the starting point, you would have travelled 25,000 miles. That is equal to 132,000,000 feet, 40,233.5 kilometers, 40,233,500 meters, and 4,023,335,000 centimeters.
you gain more calories sleeping than you do watching TV